whos refusal to sleep would annoy
his rather startled, brutal mother
"to have a child i shant have bothered!"
she snorted with a horrid glee
for little grubs she had a greed
to eat them all with Father Pa
a butter bean with battered car.
Theyd drive caterpillar boy round town
and take him to cafes then drown
him in a waterfall of salt
then before they dined theyd buy a malt
liquer then lick their confused son
who theyd try to roll into a bun.
This gave the poor lad a phobic stance
to being trapped so he would dance
and dodge and skip
avoiding his fathers liqourice whip
and trip of the tongue as he would leer
and tell the boy hed taste best in a year.
The parents held back on their meal
he'd be best at christmas they did feel
but by that time it was too late
and they did suffer an empty plate
for caterpillar boy faced his night frights
and slept in a tomb that grew skin tight
until he broke out and burst anew
into butterfly boy and flew
far and wide for he was free
from those who were so full of greed.

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