that was illogical and strange.
It didn't take away the pain,
but made it worse like chains
that tighten round my chest.
Medications for the best,
but I like it less and less,
it makes me such a mess.
Breathing to exist,
thats the part I must have missed.
It's like im dying like I wished,
but I didnt mean it,
didn't mean it,
I dont want to go.
So I must breathe slow
and calm
because I know the panic can not kill
like it says it will.
But still my head is spinning
and my racing mind is winning.
And I say this isn't real,
this isn't real,
and repeat it through my lips
as I respire little sips.
And the room still spins.
It just wont quit,
but I get stronger bit by bit,
it's just a shame I feel like shit.

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