and show that youre proud of me
for being me
and being free enough
to say what I feel.
I'm real.
I'm so real
but you just make a meal
out of what I'm not,
the things I'm not so hot about.
Put me in the oven and scold me,
burn me out 'til there's charred remains
and I cant feel any more,
can't feel this pain.
Get the cutlery out,
prod at the tenderness that makes me raw.
May you thaw with age,
but by then it's too late
and there's too many memories
piled up on my plate.
I'm not hungry any more Ma
may I be excused?
'Cos my stomachs in knots
and my ego is bruised.
I'm just a confused kid
who should have hid
when dinner was served,
'cos I'm on the menu
ripped apart by these words.
They echo in my ear,
they're so clear
as I hear my dear mum
with the carving knife.
It's a sign of the times:
dissect me and see
whats on the inside.
Tear me apart
'til theres nothing but bones.
Chewed up and spat out,
my soul devoured at home.

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