but he was born a red rose with one mighty big thorn.
His Mother was loving and gave him the name Ern
not realising his power was to cremate and to burn.
"Our son is a beauty, inside him a fire.
He'll be known around town, I tell truth I'm no liar."
His Mother was right. He was helpful, a trier
and on cold days especially for he'd rustle a fire
but alas in his morals there was woe for the towns liars!
They would come to Ern's Mother, full of complaint
for their bottoms and trousers ended up quite a state.
After years of good behaviour Ern did rebel,
with arson charges a-plenty his story did sell.
He was papped in the street by reporters in rags
who didn't want burns in clothes with posh tags.
Soon all over the world Ern was hot news and world known
as the bad boy burner who was aloof and alone.
Blonde haired celebritys asked for many a date
and in return they would get charred food on their plate.
Ern had no interest in dating or love
for the fire in him was more that enough.
As he grew older he mellowed with age
and gave out some wisdom that was somewhat sage:
"After all this time there was one thing to learn,
with a name like Ern I was born to burn."

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